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Bill Cosby‘s lawyers on Tuesday filed court papers claiming that the actor-comedian’s reputation has been damaged by news media accounts that inaccurately portray him as…

Since the dash cam footage release of Sandra Bland’s arrest in Waller County, Texas on Tuesday, many are questioning whether the video was edited due to the…

Investigators are looking into the death of a Cincinnati man who was shot and killed by a University of Cincinnati police officer during a traffic stop Sunday.…

Stephen A. Smith’s comments on the Black Lives Matter movement rattled many on Twitter, including hip-hop artists and activists Killer Mike and Talib Kweli.  The drama…

Although African-Americans make up just 13 percent of the U.S. population, we account for 33 percent of the missing in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s…

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the stories trending on NewsOne.com that you are talking about. Stephen A. Smith’s “Black-On-Black Crime” Rhetoric Gets…