VIA:  EncyclopediaOfChicago.Org Oscar DePriest was born in Florence, Alabama, to ex-slaves. He arrived in Chicago in 1889. DePriest worked as a painter and decorator, reportedly on occasion passing for white to get a job. He developed his own contracting business and began participating in community affairs. He began his political career as a precinct secretary, […]

VIA: Third-grader Amirikis Smith thought being mentioned in Obama’s speech was ‘amazing.’ “It lives on,” the president said, “in the 8-year-old boy in Louisiana, who just sent me his allowance and asked if I would give it the people of Haiti.”

The president did not identify the young man by name, but on Thursday the […]

VIA:  Answers.Com Identical twin brothers Albert and Allen Hughes became celebrities when they completed their first feature-length movie, Menace II Society. Their age when the film was released in May of 1993–they had just turned 21–put them in the company of celebrated young black directors like John Singleton, who was 23 in 1991 when Boyz […]

July 2nd, 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act.  The signing of this act was the most sweeping civil rights legislation since reconstruction.  The Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination of all kinds based on race, color, religion or national origin.  See President Johnson’s remarks on the signing of this bill:

On October 1, 1962 James Meredith became the first African American student to enroll at the University of  Mississippi.  President Kennedy had to send 5,000 federal troops after rioting broke out.  Check out some footage from that day below:

Over the years there have been several African American sitcoms to grace to TV screen.  Check out our gallery that pays tribute to those sitcoms:

VIA:  FindArticles.Com For centuries African Americans have dominated the American music scene.  Black music is in fact America’s original music, and the Spirituals-Blues-Jazz-Gospel-Charleston-Twist-HipHop gift is the foundation not only of  rhythm and blues but also of Broadway and The Grammys.  Read about three of the most important moments in Black Music History below: 1.  1660 […]

Twitter has taken the world by storm, and all of the hottest celebrities are using it. Check out our list of the hottest African Americans to follow on twitter.

Morgan Freeman has some very strong opinions on Black History month, and made them very clear in his interview with 60 Minutes. Check out the video below:

As we celebrate Black History Month, we will pay tribute to some outstanding african americans of our time. In this installment we take a look at some of the wealthiest african americans: