
I’m not much of a breakfast person, and no matter how hard I try, I cannot find the motivation to get out of my nice warm bed, in the middle of a snowstorm, to stand in the freezing kitchen making myself some breakfast. So inevitably, I end up stopping somewhere on the mad rush to […]

When a woman is in a relationship, she almost always gains weight. You and your man spend more time together and less time at the gym – eating out more, and sharing bottles of wine and dessert. And if your guy is eating more and more often, you can end up munching when you’re not […]

If you have kids, you want to make sure they grow up fit and healthy. But you also know it’s hard to juggle work, family, and physical activity-for you alone, never mind for you and your kids. Setting a healthy example is a good start; research shows that parents who are physically active increase the […]

Spotting. Itching. Tenderness. When below-the-belt symptoms crop up, your first impulse is probably to slip into a pair of pajamas and curl up on the couch. Holing away for a night or two is fine, but what if your symptoms last for weeks or even months? We’ve asked experts to decipher some down-there symptoms and […]

In strengthening the core, a person has greater control over pelvic floor muscles and reproductive organs. Harnessing this helps the individual release muscle tension and experience full body ecstasy. Yoga is an ideal way to get your sensual core in to shape. Stamina and strength is sexy. You’ll look better and feel sexier after regular […]

It seems like there is always a debate on the subject of curvy vs. fat. Who and what decides when you’ve crossed that line? Does it mean that anyone over a size 8 is fat, and anyone over a size 4 is curvy? Or is curvy just a “nicer” word for saying fat? Well, thankfully […]

For all of you food lovers out there, it seems like there is always a new science and new discovery when it comes to our favorite foods. Whether its discovering that something else is bad for us, or something is healthy for us to eat, we can always rely on science to help us discover […]

Men leaving machines dripping with sweat, women gossiping and gabbing about dates…you see (and hear!) it all at the gym. Even at a health club — a place where tank tops, profuse sweating, and mild grunting are perfectly acceptable — there are certain rules of etiquette that should be followed. Here are the rituals and […]

14 Ways To Boost Your Energy You shouldn’t be feeling exhausted every day. The truth is that our habits and and environment zap our energy and leave us feeling tired on a daily basis. Here’s some ways you can increase your energy levels. 1. Exercise Working out at least 30 minutes every day can help […]

Okay ladies, we all know that as we get older there are some things to look forward to, and some things we dread. One of those things being menopause and that horrible word: hot flashes. Now, if you’ve ever been around a woman experiencing a hot flash, you know that it is definitely not a […]