
Via: foxbaltimore.com Maryland State Police are currently investigating a multi-car crash in Harford County. The crash is said to have killed three siblings and injured two other people. The Chevrolet Cavalier in which the three siblings were in was traveling on Rt. 543 at about 10 p.m. on Monday when the crash occurred. To read the entire […]

Via: foxbaltimore.com President Barack Obama plans to speak at the groundbreaking for the National Black History Museum. He says that the new museum will assist future generations remember and grow to acknowledge the inspirational role African Americas have played in history. The museum will be located on the National Museum in the capital city and […]

Via: foxbaltimore.com Wikipedia went black Wednesday in the name of protest. The online encyclopedia’s English language website is down until midnight. The 24-hour blackout is to protest anti-piracy legislation under consideration in Congress. The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect Intellectual Property Act are designed to crack down on sales of pirated U.S. products […]

Courtesy of foxbaltimore.com An elderly woman could lose her house after receiving a $16 thousand dollar water bill. Bills indicate an average daily consumption of more than 5-thousand gallons.  At that rate, it would take only three days to fill an average size pool. The city is stepping in to stop the leak and an […]

Residents of Baltimore and surrounding areas are invited to take part in the 12th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade which celebrates the life of one of America's most influential civil rights, political, and social icons.

Courtesy of foxbaltimore.com Police search students at a Southwest Baltimore Middle School after a student brings a taser to school. Middle schoolers at Beechfield Elementary and Middle school were met with metal wand detectors and police Wednesday morning after a student brought a taser to school earlier this week. But many parents say they should […]

Do You Think The Ravens Will Make It To The Super Bowl?

n efforts to remember the lighter things of the year, Yahoo Studio producers Allison Louie-Garcia, Jennie Josephson, Brad Williams, Katie M. Best and John Adams, offered a heart warming video that has touched thousands.

Thanks to you we were able to donate truckloads of toys to the U.S. Marines "Toys For Tots" campaign.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was sworn in Tuesday at downtown’s War Memorial monument. This will be the Mayor’s first full-term at Mayor of Baltimore City.