
Via: NewsOne Coast Guard Administration’s Thad Alen called the development a “significant step forward.” The next step is to place a containment dome over the well. Unfortunately it won’t be as snug and oil will continue to flow into the Gulf. The repair attempt hit a snag Wednesday when the diamond-head saw got stuck and placed […]

I love to eat. Ask anyone who knows anything about me and they will emphatically confirm that.

From I don’t have to list President Barack Obama’s credentials, but I will.

From AOL News: AUSTIN, Texas — In 1954, the University of Texas named a dorm after William Stewart Simkins, who taught law there for three decades. Simkins has been dead for more than 80 years but now his past — as a leader of the Ku Klux Klan — has come back to haunt the […]

Via: Elev8 Many of us view Memorial Day as the kickoff to summer. But Memorial was originally called Decoration Day, a day of remembrance for those who died serving in the nation’s Armed Forces. Click here for the entire story.

From Right before our eyes, Barack Obama appears to be morphing into his fellow Harvard alum, George W. Bush. The dramatic oil spill that is threatening to destroy the Gulf of Mexico has surely become Obama’s Katrina. There’s still time for the president to handle his Katrina better than Bush handled his own, but […]