
Chicago — A new study indicates that the density of liquor stores in Black neighborhoods could pose major risks to Blacks who drink. In the study, researchers recruited 321 African Americans (229 women, 92 men), ages 21 to 65 years of age, during April 2002 through to May 2003 from three community-based healthcare clinics in […]

New York — In his first interview since his arrest, Bernie Madoff has launched the accusation that numerous banks and hedge funds knew about his elaborate scheme. “They had to know,” Mr. Madoff said. “But the attitude was sort of, ‘If you’re doing something wrong, we don’t want to know.’ ” Madoff, who is serving a […]

Andrew Breitbart, who was recently sued by Shirley Sherrod for defamation of character, has released a controversial cartoon which features Michelle Obama on his site that mocks Michelle Obama’s fitness campaign, while making her look like a fat hungry woman. The cartoon has already been criticized by the web site Bossip, Thefrisky and Mediamatters. […]

Washington, DC– A serial killer that terrorized northwest Washington two decades ago is asking for a temporary release from confinement to spend a day with his father. In court Tuesday, a defense psychologist testified that Swann Jr. is not a threat and that his psychosis is under control, NBC Washington’s Pat Collins reported. His father testified […]

NEVADA-O.J. Simpson was beaten unconscious in prison and had to spend three weeks in the infirmary according to a report in the National Enquirer. Inmates cheered as a muscular young skinhead knocked him to the ground, punching and kicking him to a bloody pulp and inflicting injuries so severe he secretly spent nearly three weeks […]

WASHINGTON D.C.-As part of her campaign for better health, First Lady, Michelle Obama has been promoting breastfeeding. Politics Daily Reports: Looking ahead to what she will do in the second year of “Let’s Move,” Mrs. Obama said: “We also want to focus on the important touch points in a child’s life. And what we’re learning […]

OKLAHOMA CITY (CNN)-Demarry Love, an 8-year-old from Oklahoma helped his mother, Kimberly Tennyson give birth to his brother. CNN reports: While Kimberly’s grandmother walked her through labor over the phone, and 8-year-old Demarry Love would help deliver his baby brother. “He did everything, he didn’t panic,” Tennyson said. “In a time of need, that type […]

WASHINGTON D.C.-Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri recently criticized the new proposed budget by President Barack Obama for its cuts of education and social services. Politico Reports: The most resounding statement came Monday from Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri, who said he is “struggling to understand how this budget helps […]

The powerful gospel duo Mary Mary is at it again. They are currently in the studio finishing up their upcoming project Something Big which is scheduled to hit store shelves March 29. This long-awaited follow-up to The Sound was produced by Warryn Campbell and written by Mary Mary. Mary Mary have made it their life’s […]

According to Eonline, El DeBarge is now in rehab. It’s no secret that the 80’s popster had trouble with drugs in the past, which led to serving two years in prison. The artist announced yesterday that he checked into rehab. “I hate to disappoint my fans but it is necessary for me to take the […]