On CNN’s “The” Situation Room, Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain claimed that African American voters have been brainwashed into not being open minded about voting for the GOP. Despite these claims, Cain says one third to half of Black voters are open minded and he believes there is hope for African Americans to turn to […]

On CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain claimed that African American voters have been brainwashed into not being open minded about voting for the GOP. Limbaugh Says Herman Cain Would Be First Black President Due To Slavery Shocker! Herman Cain Upsets Frontrunners, Wins Florida Straw Poll Despite these claims, Cain says one […]

African-American support for the Democratic Party hovers around 90 percent. This qualifies as monolithic, even though black Americans are increasingly diverse — economically, socially, culturally and geographically. There are millions of affluent black suburban households who fit the demographic profile of independents or Republicans. There has been an unprecedented influx of black immigrants from Africa […]