
Hillary Clinton and her husband President Bill Clinton, who have long enjoyed the support of prominent African Americans, has the apparent backing of Beyonce, who recently…


Queen Bey is expanding her empire. The pop diva, who famously went vegan with husband Jay Z for a stretch in 2013, is partnering with…

The world cannot get enough of Blue Ivy Carter. She’s like American royalty. Thanks to her superstar parents Beyonce and Jay Z, Blue Ivy Carter will want for absolutely nothing. Here’s more of Blue Ivy Carter through the eyes of her mother Beyonce Knowles-Carter.


Funnyman Chris Rock spoke with Roland Martin, host of “NewsOne Now” about his new film, “Top Five.” Rock writes, directs and stars in the film.…


Jay-Z and Beyonce are currently performing on their “On the Run” tour, but rumors are circulating that they may be on the run from each…


Aruba Tommy and Olivia Fox joined Roland Martin on “NewsOne Now” for the latest installment of “WTH?! Thursday.” This week, Beyonce and Jay-Z’s daughter took center stage after a…

Radio One Exclusives

Last week, our hearts and prayers were focused on the tragic and outrageous news of hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls being forcibly stolen by the Islamic militant…