In this edition of the Ericaism, Erica Campbell revisits her “I am” affirmations- because affirmations work best when they are repeated! She reminds us of the importance of these positive declarative statements, as they speak life over our lives. They encourage us, uplift us, and motivate us. “Nobody should regulate you more than you regulate […]

Today’s Ericaism is inspired by social media, which can be a place, Erica Campbell says, where people focus too much energy on things that are much too small to deserve all that energy. She asks us, if we have 24 hours left to live, how many minutes would you allow yourself to use on being angry, […]

Via It’s been about six days since a vicious dog attacked a toddler in Dundalk, but as of last night the child is back home recovering.  The young child lives with her mother, who states ” She  does not sleep, and is fragile and frightened.  The attack may have scarred her for life. Read […]

Once in a while, there are certain days that stick out as being especially trying. Today happens to suit that description, as this morning, walking through the crowds and the moving-sidewalk mentality of a big city was not working for me. When you feel like even the cashier is impatient as you pull coins out […]

Lately, I have been becoming bored with the regular routine. While most of the time it’s nice to repeat the same actions day in and day out, as it creates a pattern and comfort, there are times when these consistencies become monotonous. For the past two years, I have ordered the same flavored latte from […]

When I’m thinking about what to write, I often find myself thinking of the small moments in life that tend to make me smile and reflect on the most. I tend to get my best musings when I least expect it, such as during my daily coffee run or while maneuvering down a busy walkway […]

Have you ever had an encounter that turned into a lifetime of friendship? Or how about think of a loved one to instantly have the phone ring with your mother on the other end just wanting to hear your voice? These are not coincidences; they’re thoughts attached to emotions which affect everything you do. Many […]

Michael Strahan is widely regarded as one of the best players of all time, as few defensive ends in the sport were more skilled or dominant on the field. Inspired by his uncle’s struggle with the debilitating disease he decided to pitch in and help.