
                  Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency Monday ahead the announcement of findings of…


Vice News is reporting that a video posted online recently allegedly shows Ferguson, Mo., Officer Darren Wilson threatening a man filming him during a dispute…


Nearly a week after posting controversial tweets about events in Ferguson, Mo., that sparked accusations of racism, Texas high school English teacher, Vinita Hegwood (pictured),…

Thursday morning in Washington, Attorney General Eric Holder (pictured) announced the launch of the Justice Department’s National Justice Department’s National Initiative for Building Community Trust…


Michael Elsbury, a 15-year-veteran with the Baton Rouge police department, resigned on Thursday after racist text messages he sent to a friend became public, reports…


  On August 28th, the “Black Lives Matters Ride” (BLM Ride) a national advocacy effort of #BlackLivesMatter, will bring concerned citizens from across the country…


In the wake of the Michael Brown, Eric Garner, John Crawford, Ezell Ford murders by police officers, let’s not forget about the Black women who have lost…


The National Guard has arrived in Ferguson, Gov. Jay Nixon has lifted the curfew in Ferguson, provocateurs continue to incite violence after dark, Mike Brown’s…


Podcast: Download A week after the murder of 18-year-old Michael Brown,  Ferguson Police look like they are attempting to assassinate his character. The police have…


In an appearance on CNN on Sunday, “Grey’s Anatomy” star Jesse Williams, 33, tackled the blatant racial bias in media character assassinations of  slain Ferguson…