In this edition of Joy Living, Erica Campbell talks about the mixed feelings she deals with as she watches her children grow. She explains the “happy-sad” emotions she battles as her kids grow into their own, and find their independence now that they’re not babies anymore. What she does with those “happy-sad” emotions, however, is […]

Being a mom can be so much work, from getting the kids up and ready for school, to going through a whole day of working a lot and then coming home to be a mom again. Erica Campbell tells a story of a woman who was really overwhelmed with all the duties she had as […]

GRIFF has a prayer for high school seniors who not only are not going to be graduating this year, but haven’t told anybody in their families. So these students just have their parents and grandparents and aunties and uncles coming through to the graduating thinking they’re going to see their beloved walk in the graduation. Plus, he & Erica give […]


Naomi Campbell’s mother, Valerie Morris Campbell could pass for Naomi’s sister. Check out these stunning images. Gene goals!

A Florida mom is facing up to 20 years in federal prison after robbing three banks back in May. According to reports, 50-year-old Cindy Carabeo…

A Texas mother took initiative when her 10-month-old son was discovered locked inside of a daycare by staffers overnight.` Sharonda Ross says she dropped her…


We’re still not over President Obama‘s soulful rendition of “Amazing Grace,” but that didn’t stop Condoleezza Rice from showing off her vocal ability in honor…

A 29-year-old man from Phoenix, Arizona is raising quadruplets after his wife tragically passed away while giving birth to three girls and one boy. The Root…