Former Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod has made peace with the NAACP, forgiving the organization for condemning her remarks on what turned out to be a misleadingly edited video.

With a strong voice and the memories that come from experience, William McDonald shared with East Texans about a world that once was.

The media manufactured spectacle that is and was the Shirley Sherrod incident tells us all we need to know about Andrew Brietbart, Fox “News” and the dangers of extremist hack media– unregulated, irresponsible and unethical– run amok.

By Todd Steven Burroughs That U.S. Department of Agriculture staffer—you know, the one the Obama administration threw under the bus Monday because of a video mysteriously surfacing that showed her recalling how she once denied a white man some services? Yeah, her—you know what she should do? She should dust herself off, take off her […]

The Shirley Sherrod debacle, yet again, reveals an ugly and unfortunate truth. This country is suffering from a psychological disorder. Joy Leary calls it “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome.”  Whatever it is, it’s clear that we have been traumatized not only by our despicable history of slavery and racism but our ongoing refusal to deal with […]

From Shirley Sherrod has accomplished a number of things in her career, but she had never planned on uniting Glenn Beck and the NAACP.