As one year turns into another, there is always that problem of the new year’s resolution. While some people won’t even cosign on the concept, others find themselves tasked with the objective of picking a resolution that will push them to grow, while also avoiding setting unrealistic goals for themselves. In this edition of GRIFF’s […]

There is a key method that can be used for sticking to New Year’s Resolutions. They must be specific, measurable, and achievable, with a realistic…

If you’re tired of making big plans to get fit in January only to meet big disappointments come March, then let me tell you one…

Has “I want to get in shape,” or “I want to lose weight,” been your New Year’s resolution for the last (fill in the blank)…

It’s almost that time to ring in the New Year. A time honored tradition is to set a list of goals and resolutions for the…