
Constructed in 1934, The Apollo Theater has been the launching pad for musical legends like Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Wonder and Micheal Jackson. Eight decades later,…

Cecil Williams (pictured), who is blind, and his guide dog, Orlando (pictured), both survived being run over by a New York City subway train when…

A University of Iowa study suggests that African-American women have great odds of obtaining loans from lenders, and their rate of success is comparable to…

Via The Supreme court is staying out of the gun debate, but just for now. The justices on Monday rejected to hear a challenge to a strict NY law that makes it difficult for residents to receive a license to carry a handgun in public. The court did not respond on why they turned away appeals from five […]

A huge controversy is now raging at a New York City elementary school over math homework that a teacher assigned to fourth graders that included…


A female prison guard has been charged with rape after having sex with a male inmate at a maximum-security state prison in the Hudson Valley,…

A 31-year-old Queens woman took a seven-foot plunge right through a Manhattan sidewalk Friday night. The unidentified 300-plus pounder had to be rescued by firefighters and emergency crews…

NEW YORK- Greg Kelly, the son of Ray Kelly, the NYPD commissioner, has been accused of rape. Greg Kelly is also the host of the  Fox show, “Good Day New York.” SEE ALSO: World’s Oldest Dog Dies An unnamed woman claims Greg Kelly had drinks with her and then raped her after they went to […]

NEW YORK-Police shot and killed Dwayne Browne outside of his home in East New York, Brooklyn after he came outside of his house in his pajamas with a gun to check on a possible break-in. Browne was working installing floors and had attended pharmaceutical school. Browne’s girlfriend says the two were watching a movie together […]

NEW YORK-An afterschool program called Men of Strength (MOST) at Junior High School 217 in Briarwood, Queens is teaching young men to respect women and fight against rape. Neil Irvin, the executive director of Men Can Stop Rape, stared MOST so young men can be protectors of their community. The New York Daily News reports: […]