
Roland Martin sat down with legendary actor and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte on Wednesday for an exclusive interview. During their discussion, Martin and Belafonte covered a variety of topics, including Colin Kaepernick’s decision to sit during the National Anthem at football games. Belafonte, who is no stranger to taking a stand on an unpopular issue, shared […]


Civil Rights activist Clarence Henderson explains why he is supporting Trump for President.


Several of Nate Parker's Penn State classmates released a statement regarding the decades-old rape case.


Tired of waiting on help from outside of the community, a group of mothers got together to do something about the violence themselves.


The 1936 Olympics were well-documented and known for the success of track and field gold medalist Jesse Owens. A new documentary titled Olympic Pride, American Prejudice shares the experiences of the other 17 African-American athletes “who defied Jim Crow and Adolf Hitler to win hearts and medals at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.”   The film’s […]


Ayear after Freddie Gray‘s death while in police custody, the Justice Department released a scathing report proving the Baltimore Police Department purposely targets the city’s Black population. In the 163-page report released on Wednesday, investigators pinpointed just how the department violated the rights of the people its officers are sworn to protect. Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby […]


A White man claiming to be a neighborhood watch member in Raleigh, North Carolina, has been charged for the murder of a Black man. Chad Copley was inside his garage on Sunday when he fired a shotgun and hit 20-year-old Kouren-Rodney Bernard Thomas. Before the fatal shooting, Copley called 911 several times to complain about what he described as […]


You only have one vote, so you better use it on November 8th.

The internet spent the day digesting Jordan's response, divided between ecstatic to cautious because of his long storied history with distancing himself from social justice issues. Jordan's persona at times appeared to be "business first," and his silence in regards to previous police shootings stirred up strong frustrations.

While many thought Clinton would announce her decision at an evening rally earlier in the day, she opted to send a message to her supporters using the digital sphere.