Today’s words of wisdom comes from Oprah Winfrey, a global media leader and philanthropist.  Through the power of media, Oprah Winfrey has created an unparalleled connection with people around the world for over two decades. “I don’t think you ever stop giving. I really don’t. I think it’s an on-going process. And it’s not just […]

I Love Oprah! There’s so many words that can describe who and what she represents.  I’ll share one, Regal. You can  see the elevation of her mission and vision through all that she does.  She never ceases to amazes me with her selfless acts of love and empowerment.

You got questions? These nine television hosts probably had them too, for a wide array of celebrities, politicians, athletes, and everyday people with amazing stories. Check out our list of the nine best black television talk show hosts. 1. Oprah Winfrey Initially The Oprah Winfrey Show was just another talk show when it debuted in […]

Oprah revealed her major secret to the world yesterday, she has a sister who she recently learned existed. Oprah’s mother had baby nine years after Oprah was born and was ashamed. She left her baby at a hospital for someone to care for because she felt she was unable to. Oprah’s sister, named Patricia, tried […]

Oprah got into politics during her wide-ranging talk with Barbara Walters, weighing in on President Obama’s performance and her views on a potential run for president by Sarah Palin.

Former President George W. Bush stood firmly behind many controversial decisions made during his presidency in an interview with Oprah Winfrey today, defending his response to the Sept. 11 attacks and adding that the worst insult he received in his two terms in office came from rapper Kanye West.

First lady Michelle Obama beat out heads of state, chief executives and celebrities to rank as the world’s most powerful woman in Forbes magazine’s annual listing on Wednesday.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation says that the grand giveaway trip Oprah Winfrey announced yesterday – John Travolta’s flying Oprah and 300 audience members (plus crew) to Australia – is going to cost local taxpayers more than $2.3 million, reports MyFoxNY.

Monday marked the season premiere of Oprah’s 25th and final season on the air and of course she is going out with a bang. “It’s our last chance to do something big.” I wonder if those 300 lucky audience members who attended the season premiere had any idea what they were in store for. Check […]