The mother of slain Bronx teen Ramarley Graham is demanding justice for her son, who was shot and killed at the hands of NYPD officer Richard Haste in 2012.

Ramarley Graham’s parents held a memorial at the Bronx’s Crawford Memorial United Methodist Church Monday evening. The day marked three years since officers killed the…


Washington, D.C. hosted the most high-profile and traditional of Saturday’s protests against racial bias in the legal system.  The march and rally was organized by National Action…


Invoking the names of Michael Brown, Ramarley Graham, Amadou Diallo, and others who have been killed by law enforcement, a group of protesters defied police…


Civil Rights leaders are reflecting on the recent trials of George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer, and the ongoing attempts to re-indict Richard Haste (pictured), the NYPD…


Even though Constance Malcolm (pictured center left) and Franclot Graham’s (pictured center right) buried their 18-year-old son last year, after he was shot by the…