The Rev. Al Sharpton has created his own media company and will launch a Sunday-morning syndicated TV show, he told The Hollywood Reporter on Monday.

Much has been made of Glenn Beck’s choice to hold his “Restoring Honor” rally this past weekend at the same site where Martin Luther King, Jr. assembled the critical mass of the civil-rights movement, a seeming attempt — forty-seven years later to the day — at co-opting King’s legacy. And it was a day filled […]

While the official Tea Party estimates of Saturday’s rally attendance may range between a gajillion and the fafillion, the company CBS hired to give an estimate placed the turnout at a respectably large 87,000, larger than the official estimates of turnout last year’s 9/12 rally but no where near the estimated 1.8 million that attended Obama’s inauguration.

For years, so many times, White women are abducted and the news and media stop and focus all of their attention on the missing White woman in hopes of bringing her home. We hear public cries from her family and friends etc… It has been long thought that that same attention and care is not […]

August 28 will mark the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s seminal “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The occasion, however, will be marked by an orator of a decidedly different stripe standing at the foot of the memorial’s marble steps: Glenn Beck, frontman of the populist conservative Tea […]

PLEASE JOIN NATIONAL ACTION NETWORK August 28, 2010 | 11:00 am | Dunbar High School | 1301 New Jersey Avenue Northwest | Washington, DC 47 years ago, the March on Washington took place where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his I Have a Dream speech at the March on Washington. 47 years later, Rev. […]

Forty-seven years after the historic March on Washington, Reverend Al Sharpton, President of National Action Network and leaders from his over 47 National Action Network chapters across the country, along with heads of progressive organizations, unions and clergy, will lead a mass rally and march in Washington, DC on Saturday, August 28, 2010 to RECLAIM […]

We often see the images of starving children and impoverished families flashing across our TV sets. Many times, they are huddled in massive groups waiting for food handouts, safe housing or any other basic necessity. Whether it’s following a devastating natural disaster, civil unrest or sheer poverty, the scenes of chaos remain imprinted in our […]

Forty-seven years ago, our nation was in the midst of uncertainty, trepidation, fear, frustration, anger and unrest. Forty-seven years ago, we were simultaneously hopeful, dedicated, ambitious, determined and resilient. Forty-seven years ago, people of all races gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to urge their federal government to live up to the standards […]

It has been a year and a half since the fateful night a New Year’s celebration turned deadly for a 22-year-old Black man in California. He wasn’t engaged in a gang transaction gone wrong, nor was he evading police or hiding somewhere as a fugitive. No, Oscar Grant was handcuffed face down on the ground […]