
While Bill Cosby is quick to criticize Black people at any given opportunity, without the slightest bit of provocation, he refused to call killer George…


In the wake of the George Zimmerman trial verdict, the #YourLifeMatters campaign was created with young Black men in mind. We need to communicate to them that their…

In the wake of 6 women — 5 white and 1 Hispanic — returning a ‘not guilty’ verdict for George Zimmerman, 29, soul legend Stevie…


 “A black man has no rights which the white man is bound to respect.” Sup. Ct. C.J. Roger Taney, Dred Scott Decision, 1857 On March…

Hundreds of demonstrators poured into South Central Los Angeles to peacefully protest George Zimmerman‘s ‘not guilty’ verdict in the brutal killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.…

The Department of Justice has confirmed that it is reviewing the State of Florida’s case against George Zimmerman, 29, as well as information gathered from…

After a trial further exposing America’s deep racial wounds ended, a jury acquitted George Zimmerman of second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin…

President Barack Obama has proven — again — that systemic and structural racism is not high on his priority list by mimicking the stereotypical, condescending…

On Twitter, there have been more than 600,000 mentions of the case and counting, the Associated Press reported. A single “Justice for Trayvon Martin” Facebook…

UPDATE — 7/14/13: Jahvaris Fulton, brother of Trayvon Martin, responded to Zimmerman ‘not guilty’ verdict via Twitter: Et tu, America?— Jahvaris Fulton (@jahvaris_martin) July 14,…