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Holy cow summer is almost here and as a Fitgirl with Cali roots, I can hardly wait. Even though I am currently rocking this New York City address, please believe that in less than 30 days I will be spending most of my days on the beach.

MUST READ: Cancel Your Gym Membership & Jump Your Way To Snatchedville [VIDEO]

So if you’re trying to get beach ready too and want to try something new, then totally get a grip and let it rip with a SandBell®. My friends over at Hyperwear have plenty to choose from, or if you want a group experience head over to an Equinox and get in on their signature classes Stacked or Elimin8tor (I teach both, so look me up beauties).

But in the meantime check out my three favorite SandBell® exercises that you can do at home here:

What Is A SandBell® & Why You Should You Use One

If you like dumbbells and kettlebells, then you are going to love this fun spin on the two – the SandBell®. In fact, studies show that people who have exercised with one as opposed to dumbbells have higher heart rates and thus burn more calories (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee). Can you say your new beach body is in the bag? Uhm yes!

So why is sweating with sand so effective? It’s because sand is so unpredictable. You have to work harder just to stabilize it and the power is truly in the grip – basically the more sand you grab the better. So when you swing it like a kettlebell or lift it like a dumbbell your muscles have to fire much more to control those moving grains of sand in that neoprene bag.

Another RAD quality that a SandBell® has is that you can drag and slide it. This glide factor allows you to engage smaller muscles more (not in this video but you can totally do the exercises in my Towel Workout with a SandBell®). However my favorite use of the these sand filled bags is slamming them. Hello stress reliever. Plus every slam automatically turns your workout into a total body one since your lower body, upper body, core – and after a few reps – cardio vascular system is invited to the party.

Overall if you are in the market for one piece of fitness equipment that can do it all then you must get your hands on a SandBell®. You can curl it like dumbbells, throw it like medicine balls, swing it like kettlebells, and glide them like disks. Find the perfect size one here and let me know what you think beauties!

Wonder what I’m wearing? #RADfitgear is from Lucy Activewear and my kicks are Under Armour

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!


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Bored With Dumbbells Or Kettlebells? Try The Sandbell, Your New Muscles’ BFF In The Gym  was originally published on