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Speaking Life and Aligning Words with God’s Promises | Ericaism

My Baltimore Spirit Listen Live
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Today on Get Up Mornings, I want to dive into something that’s been on my heart: the incredible power of our words. It’s something I’ve always believed in, and today, I want to share that belief with you all.

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When I read Matthew 12:36-37, I’m reminded that every word we speak matters. It’s not just about what we say out loud but also the thoughts we entertain in our minds. Our words have the ability to shape our reality, both spiritually and naturally.


I often talk about the importance of speaking life, especially in my music. Whether it’s encouraging lyrics or declarations of faith, our words carry immense power. They can either build us up or tear us down, depending on how we use them.

I know firsthand how challenging it can be to battle negative thoughts and insecurities. That’s why I emphasize the need to align our words with God’s promises. It’s about intentional renewal of our minds, transforming our thinking to be in line with God’s truth.

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Guarding our mouths, as Proverbs 13:3 suggests, is vital. We must be mindful of what we speak over ourselves and others. Our prayers, too, should reflect God’s will and promises, not contradicting His Word but affirming it.

I’ve seen the power of speaking in alignment with God’s truth in my own life. Even when things seem uncertain or challenging, I hold on to His promises. I trust His timing and His faithfulness, knowing that His Word never returns void.

So, I encourage you today to watch your words. Speak life over yourself and others. Let your words be a reflection of God’s goodness and grace. Together, let’s tap into the incredible power of our tongues to shape a future filled with hope and blessings.

Join me on Get Up Mornings as we continue this journey of faith and empowerment, speaking words of life and truth into every aspect of our lives.


Speaking Life and Aligning Words with God’s Promises | Ericaism  was originally published on