Elev8 Health

VIA: WEBMD.COM. PHOTO VIA: TOPNEWS.NI   Diet, sleep, fitness, and more — how to strengthen and protect your heart right now   How do you get a healthier heart, right now? The answer sounds too good to be true: “By simply leading a healthier life,” according to Nieca Goldberg, MD, medical director of New York […]

VIA: MENSFITNESS.COM   Pick Up the Pace Six expert tips for getting the most of every running experience Tip 1: GO OFF-ROAD “Running on trails never gets boring,” says Dave Watt, executive director of the American Running association. His advice: Be sure to wear a shoe that has more grip or traction, and stick with […]

Via: WebMD.com If you have diabetes or know someone who has diabetes, you know how important it is to be able to manage it and live a healthy life. Here are some ways to control diabetes for life: Principle 1: Educate yourself about diabetes. There are two types of diabetes. It is important to know […]

VIA: WebMD.com By Kathleen Doheny WebMD Health News Researchers found fast food may cause a person to be more impatient and desire instant gratification. In one experiment, researchers had two groups of college students stare at  the center of a computer screen while ignoring the outside corners. One group was asked to look at a computer screen with blank […]

VIA: AOLHealth.com The smartest plan for attacking a heart attack is, of course, preventing one from ever happening. Choose three of the following strategies and make them a habit. The closer to the beginning of the list, the more you reduce your risk of heart disease. 1. Drink Five Glasses of Water a Day Men […]

VIA:  familydoctor.org Anemia: When Low Iron Is the Cause What is anemia? Anemia occurs when your blood doesn’t have enough hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. A common cause of anemia is not having enough iron. Your body needs […]

VIA:  WebMD.Com By Miranda Hitti WebMD Health News Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD Sept. 14, 2005 — If you do just one thing to fight fat, exercise might be the way to go, judging by a new study. Consider the study’s results: Inactivity led to a buildup of fat deep inside the belly. Modest amounts […]

VIA:  National Heart Lung And Blood Institute Why the Nutrition Facts label is important Check servings and calories. Look at the serving size and how many servings the package contains. If you consume one serving, the label clearly outlines the nutrients you get. If you double the servings you eat, you double the calories and […]

VIA:  AOLHealth.Com Colonoscopy: This procedure is really effective in detecting colon cancer and should be at the top of your list of tests to have. Heart Tests: Keeping a close eye on your heart health is essential.  Having your blood pressure checked should be a yearly event.  Blood sugar and blood fats are also important […]

VIA:  FamilyDoctor.Org What Causes Depression? Depression is related to chemical in-balance in the brain that makes it hard for the cells to communicate with each other.  Depression can be triggered by a number of things including: stressful life events, drug or alcohol abuse, other illnesses, it can even be hereditary. What Are The Symptoms? Feeling […]