In a new book, “How Facebook Killed the Church“, author Richard Beck argues that our new connectivity online is not necessarily a good thing for organized religion.

Understanding on deep levels takes time.   It is more than just acknowledging something someone did. Why do we/they act as we do? Do we take time to sit with our beliefs and apply them?

The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS is a call to prayer for the eradication of HIV/AIDS through prayer, education, advocacy and service.

Patience is a need in our world and lives.Many of us struggle with patience. The worries of our lives and the need and demand for everything NOW wears  us thin.

Happiness is often misinterpreted as something that depends of material things. That is not true happiness but only worldly rewards. That is a child’s interpretation

Strength is a characteristic that is often underrated. Praying for strength is merely understanding that you are seeking out the ability to survive in our insane world.

Kindness is being gentle, thoughtful, helpful, and forgiving at times when it would be so easy to be angry.

Hope is the one thing that makes us keep going as humans.

We spend so much time each day complaining that we forget to be thankful.

Our faith is a gift from a living and loving God who lavishly tries to reach us and does so with persistent fidelity. It is a celebration of a God of love who tries all kinds of ways to touch us.