
Due to the bad economy, people nowadays suddenly find it difficult to keep up with their daily expenses. People may work on a regular job but their income may not be enough to pay the bills and sustain the family’s needs. This is a major concern especially for moms who want to do their best […]

The Gospel Albums  this week give us a record  breaking  artist in the number 1 and number 2 positions and Chaka Khan is honored by UNCF.

There are a rising number of qualified black yoga instructors.  I was delighted to have recently received a Twitter “mention”  from  @ivywriter / Kellea Tibbs who inspired this post about exploring her Yoga journey.  “Finding these people has been very inspiring and helps make me want to make a deeper cultural connection to the art […]

Today I played Fred Hammond’s Purpose by Design CD.

Fasting is a discipline that is often overlooked and misunderstood among present-day Christ Followers. Along with prayer and giving, fasting is foundational to a fruitful, dynamic life. If you are one of those folks who crawled out of 2010 on your hands and knees, begging God for a fresh anointing, new opportunities, and a more […]

BMI honored gospel greats Commissioned and Pastor Shirley Caesar at the organization’s 12th Annual Trailblazers of Gospel Music Awards Luncheon. The event was held January 14, 2011, at Rocketown in Nashville and was hosted by Catherine Brewton, BMI Vice President, Writer/Publisher Relations, and Del Bryant, BMI President & CEO.

I am a mom with 3 kids and 1 on the way in May.  I have been working from home for 6 years now and I absolutely love what I do and what it allows me to do for my family.  I wanted to give you 7 benefits of working from home.

Testimony by: Raqiyah Mays “You like my weave?” I usually ask this question when standing in front of someone who hasn’t seen me in months or years. Twirling my long, straight hair with one hand and patting itchy stitching with the other, I’ll smile as they stare in frozen disbelief. “Y-you cut your dreads?” Something […]

So many of people are in the grip of the financial crisis or just beginning to recover. Even the worst of times, it is important to remember there is always a ray of hope.   Here is a prayer for Wholeness Blessing – We Are Not Broken We walk in troubled times, But let us not be […]

Trying to accomplish it all — at times simultaneously — we often have even less time for ourselves, our friends, and our families and end up instead with more stress, which can eventually lead to health problems. Try the following tips to simplify your life for a happier, healthier you. 1. Learn to say no. […]